Interconnector Subsea Cables
In 2015, we acted as lead ecological consultants working alongside Partrac during a benthic survey programme in support of a wider Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a proposed High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) interconnector cable between Guernsey and Jersey (GJ3). This included design of the proposed benthic sampling array and acquisition of ground-truthing seabed imagery, grab samples and undertaking of walk-over intertidal surveys to inform biotope and Annex I habitat mapping along the cable route corridor. This was followed by all of the associated macrobenthic, Particle Size Distribution (PSD) and seabed imagery analysis to feed into the final technical report submitted to Guernsey Electricity.
More recently we’ve worked with Partrac to complete a detailed Annex I habitat assessment in support of the planned North Sea Link High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector between Norway and the United Kingdom. This involved assimilating and interpreting a large volume of seabed imagery and geophysical survey data to map the extent and quality of Annex I stony reef habitat along the proposed cable route.
Laboratory Analysis (macrobenthic)
Laboratory Analysis (seabed imagery)
Laboratory Analysis (sediments)
Guernsey Electricity
National Grid