Benthic Monitoring
We have recently completed the three-year post-construction benthic monitoring programme required as part of the Marine Licence conditions for the London Array (LAW) Offshore Windfarm located in the outer Thames Estuary. This substantial programme at the world’s largest operational offshore wind farm involved collection of grab and trawl samples at nearly 300 locations followed by all of the associated macrobenthic and Particle Size Distribution (PSD) sample analysis to test for potential impacts within the wind farm and its environs as well as areas in close proximity to the turbines themselves.
We subsequently conducted a detailed analysis of datasets spanning the pre- and post-construction periods to validate the predictions made during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). All project outputs were successfully delivered on time and budget and we were praised for the high quality and Health and Safety standards demonstrated throughout the contract.
Consultancy (benthic)
Laboratory (macrobenthic)
Laboratory (sediments)