We provide services to support a range of hydrographic and
geophysical investigations in shallow to deep water environments.
Hydrographic & Geophysical
We work closely a number of specialist partners to collect hydrographic and geophysical data including multibeam bathymetry (MBES) and side-scan sonar (SSS) aboard third-party vessels. Our dedicated survey vessel, Seren Las is also capable of accommodating MBES, SSS and magnetometer surveys in nearshore and shallow water environments offering an over the side pole mounting system for MBES surveys and a hydraulic A-frame and winch for deployment of towed and seabed equipment.
Our range of services include:
• Bathymetric surveys
• Wind farm site surveys
• Pipeline / cable route surveys
• Pre- and post-dredge surveys
• Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) investigation
• Marine archaeological investigation
protected habitat mapping.
Our field and consultancy personnel are recognised experts in reviewing geophysical data to inform subsequent environmental sampling as a means of ground-truthing predicted seabed habitats boundaries. The resulting ground-truthing information (usually from grab sample and seabed imagery) is then overlaid on the geophysical survey outputs to accurately map biotopes and delineate protected habitats (e.g. biogenic and rocky reefs).
This information is usually then combined to conduct Annex I habitat assessments of any biogenic and rocky reefs present in line with best practice guidance. Our team also follow a similar workflow when mapping habitats in the intertidal zone whereby they conduct targeted sampling to ground-truth digital elevation and orthomasic models generated from aerial imagery collected using our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).