We are a leading provider of subtidal fish surveys for the offshore renewable
energy sector having undertaken pre- and post-construction surveys on behalf
of some of the UK’s largest offshore wind farm developers.
Our specialist field team routinely work aboard active fishing vessels to conduct scientific sampling of commercially important species and have therefore developed a strong working relationship with the key fisherman and fisheries associations, well-respected fisheries liaison officers and the various Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities (IFCAs).
Our key survey capabilities include:
- Scientific beam trawling
- Commercial otter and beam trawling
- Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV)
- Scientific shellfish potting
We are also engaged in collaborative research studies employing non-destructive sampling methodologies for better assessing and monitoring fish assemblages and other motile fauna in temperate waters including Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) and scanning sonar imaging techniques.
The majority of our fish survey work is conducted aboard commercial fishing vessels however our dedicated survey vessel, Seren Las, is also capable of undertaking inshore / coastal beam trawl, potting and BRUV sampling surveys.