We have developed ABACUS, a publicly available, standardised cloud-based platform for recording, quality assuring, storing and exporting marine ecological data in compliance with nationally and internationally recognised standards.
What ABACUS can do for you
Setting standards for field, lab and consultancy
ABACUS is used by organisations to improve the speed and quality of their field, laboratory and analytical work.
ABACUS enhances the quality and efficiency of marine data collection, storage, management, analysis, and reporting. It provides an end-to-end solution with innovative features throughout the data life cycle, standardising management while allowing bespoke customisation to suit laboratory-specific processes.
Designed to comply with MEDIN data standards and NMBAQC best practices, ABACUS includes a live link to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), ensuring data records and exports use the most current and authoritative species list.
Easy access
As a cloud-based platform, we can grant secure access to specific projects for external users, providing clients and partners with transparency and real-time insight into a project’s progress. Regulatory users can also be granted access, streamlining compliance processes.
In partnership with the Marine Biological Association’s DASSH initiative, ABACUS has been developed to facilitate single click exports of metadata required for compliance with MEDIN, GEMINI and ISO standards.
Who uses ABACUS?
ABACUS is used as standard by our field, laboratory and consultancy teams working across every sector of our activity. It is also used by numerous organisations in the UK and Europe.
Reports based on metrics automatically generated within ABACUS drive continual quality monitoring and improvement.

Are you interested in ABACUS?
If you’d like to know more about how ABACUS would work for your project or if you’re interested in licensing the system for your own organisation’s use, contact us.